About the event
"Peer Dialogue to enhance the implementation of NDCs in Latin America" is an initiative of the EUROCLIMA+ Program, developed in strategic alliance between the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), with the collaboration of Fundación AVINA. This initiative seeks to promote the strategic development of competencies and facilitate regional exchange in order to provide decision-makers in Latin American countries with a space for: (i) methodological reflection on the allocation and review of NDCs, (ii) the exchange of experiences and methodologies, and (iii) to take advantage of mutual learning opportunities that contribute to boosting the implementation of NDCs and their greater ambition in the next renewal cycles.
In the current pandemic context, governments in the region are taking urgent steps to overcome the health crisis and its associated impacts; many are also reviewing their NDCs under the Paris Agreement. Thus, there is an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate the transition to green and resilient economies that can keep global temperatures below 1.5°C, while advancing the goal of more equitable and inclusive societies.
Currently many of the countries have already demonstrated strong political will to combat climate change, however, that momentum must not be lost during the post-pandemic recovery phase. This recovery phase must stimulate economic growth and job creation, while contributing to national development goals, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement.
Within this framework, the "Dialogue among Peers" initiative seeks to contribute by organizing its Second Dialogue among Peers through three virtual meetings with the objective of offering a space for dialogue, exchange of experiences and identification of outstanding cases and good practices with potential for replication, to increase the scope and ambition of the NDCs in a context of green recovery, expand the possibilities of inter-learning and obtain the support of international cooperation. These virtual meetings aim to simulate in an interactive way a "marketplace" where participants will be able to identify needs ("demand") and opportunities ("supply") to strengthen climate action in Latin America and with options to contribute to sustainable recovery.
During the 3 virtual meetings of the Second Peer-to-Peer Dialogue three - sectoral and territorial articulation; social articulation; and financial articulation - of the five dimensions of country action (in terms of implementation of their NDCs) that are particularly relevant to ensure progress in their climate action, as identified in the study, will be addressed "Progress on Climate Action in Latin America: Nationally Determined Contributions to 2019."The dimensions associated with the NDC formulation processes and the political-legal and institutional articulation are complemented by the dimensions associated with the NDC formulation processes.
La primera sesión virtual del “Segundo Diálogo entre Pares” abordará la dimensión de Articulación sectorial y territorial.
La implementación de las NDC se beneficiará considerablemente del desarrollo y uso efectivo de datos e información, así como de su articulación con otros procesos relevantes como los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y la Agenda 2030 adoptados por los países en el marco de Naciones Unidas. Este desarrollo debe expresarse en la dimensión sectorial (responsabilidades y asignaciones entre sectores) y territorial (responsabilidades y asignaciones en los distintos niveles territoriales subnacionales).
To learn more about the "Peer to Peer Dialogue" initiative visit the EUROCLIMA+ website and the following link, http://euroclimaplus.org/4/dialogo-entre-pares-para-potenciar-la-implementacion-de-ndc-en-america-latina
Thematic Axis 2 Event - Organized by: