People transforming the development

Electric Mobility Community of Practice

The Transportation Community of Practice, in partnership with LEDS GP Regional Platforms, is building a resilient, low-emission transportation community globally, supporting champions and innovators, linking networks of low-emission transportation experts, and exploring opportunities for collaboration at the local and regional levels.

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En 2017, la Comunidad de Práctica de Transporte, junto con la Global Climate Action Partnership - GCAP (formerly known as LEDS GP), LEDS LAC, el Centro Regional de CMNUCC y el Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina (CAF) llevaron a cabo un taller financiado por APEC centrado en “Fortalecimiento de las políticas de eficiencia energética en el sector del transporte”. Durante el desarrollo de este taller se identificó el interés de la región en avanzar hacia la transición a la movilidad eléctrica. Como resultado, el GTT de LEDS LAC en asociación con la Global Climate Action Partnership - GCAP (formerly known as LEDS GP) comenzaron la Comunidad de Práctica de Movilidad Eléctrica en 2018.


The CoP seeks to involve transport experts in climate actions; assist countries in the design and implementation of sectoral climate action plans; and promote synergies and articulation among transport sector actors, in pursuit of the promotion of electrification in public transport. 

The work of the CoP is a key mechanism for documenting and sharing case studies, training, peer-to-peer exchange, provision of advisory support and early assistance for electric mobility in the region.

Specific objectives

Prioritized topics

Starting year

Electromobility as a low-emission transportation alternative

Who participates?

Participants include representatives from national governments, sub-national governments, academic institutions, NGOs, the private sector, consultants and journalists.

To date, the CoP has more than 167 members, from 15 countries in the region and 6 other countries:

  • Germany
  • Argentina
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Ecuador
  • Denmark
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Mexico
  • Panama
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Dominican Republic
  • Uruguay
  • United States
  • India
  • United Kingdom



This event aimed to share outstanding experiences in the implementation of zero-emission buses in Latin America. It also sought to create a space to share information on national and international funding sources with representatives of public transportation systems, as well as to inform about the various government incentives aimed at reducing the total cost of ownership.

The objective of the webinar was to present the agency's experiences, visions and strategies on the project to include electric vehicles in the fleet and to promote a space for discussion on the implementation of electromobility in the Metrobus to establish the guidelines for technological change in the region. 

Carolina Chantrill, TWG coordinator, shared the results of the APEC case study on the lessons learned from planning the transition to electrification of the BRT system in Mexico City"..

"The objective of this public webinar was to be able to highlight the economic, social and environmental benefits that can be generated by linking the energy and transportation sectors and transitioning to efficient systems based on electric vehicles and renewable energy. The speakers presented a recently published roadmap that sets out a wide range of sustainable mobility solutions. They discussed a concrete and practical process that allows local stakeholders and community leaders to jointly identify the best possible development pathway to advance both sectors through their integration. In turn, they discussed how they plan to further advance their work and what the implementation of the new strategy will look like in specific island, city and country contexts.

Examples from Peru and Mexico, concrete achievements and lessons learned in this area were presented as essential to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Latin America and worldwide. In particular, Carolina Chantrill, TWG coordinator, presented the lessons learned from the case study on the electrification pilot project in the Mexico City Metrobus".

Online exchange sessions

Workshop "Integrated sustainable electric mobility for urban cities".

The workshop was organized within the APEC Project in collaboration with the LEDS LAC Transport Working Group. The main objectives of the workshop were to learn from experts on effective initiatives and collaboration of the transport and energy sectors, promote peer-to-peer learning within and across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and Asia to advance the integration of the transport and energy sectors to deliver energy efficient mobility solutions.

The workshop lasted three days, with each session featuring a lecture by an expert on a specific electric mobility topic, followed by presentations by participants on successful and ongoing experiences in relation to electric micro mobility, light and heavy duty vehicles.

Closed workshop "Electric mobility in the context of a green recovery: towards the adoption of electric buses in LAC".

The objective of the workshop was to promote the exchange of experiences on the adoption of electric buses in LAC cities, in order to provide information and tools for the planning of electric mobility projects in public transportation and to promote a dialogue on the fundamental aspects for an effective implementation. The sessions were structured around the following focuses: Infrastructure and Technology, Financing and Articulation.

Online exchange "Transportation Sector: Visions to support economic recovery and climate action".

The objective of the activity was to present to community members the rationale for developing long-term, climate action-oriented transportation strategies that contribute to short-term actions in post-Covid-19 economic recovery and resilience building. This presentation included the introduction of a new NREL technical assistance line to support local governments in formulating these strategies.

Online Exchange Presentation by the City of Curridabat, Costa Rica of the results of the CoP Technical Assistance

The objective of the online session was to collaborate with the city of Curridabat on the work plan for the technical assistance received under the CoP, including sharing results, lessons learned and next steps with other local authorities and community members. 

Online Exchange Presentation by the City of Mexicali, Mexico of the results of the CoP Technical Assistance

The activity consisted of a presentation of the results of the technical assistance received by the city of Mexicali under the CoP, seeking to encourage other members of the community to request technical support in 2020.

Technical support to countries

Technical Assistance "Roadmap for an electric mobility policy in Lima and Callao, Peru". in Lima and Callao, Peru".

Technical Assistance "Analysis of electromobility alternatives: training and recommendations".


Electric Bus Battery Maintenance: Best Practices

Grupo de Trabajo de Transporte (GTT) de LEDS LAC y GCAP; Asociación Sustentar; CESC/NREL
Lanzada en 2022, La Rolita es el proveedor pionero de servicios de transporte público de Bogotá, con una flota exclusivamente eléctrica de 195 buses eléctricos. La Rolita está comprometida con las energías limpias y con la mejora del transporte

Electromobility technical guidelines: identification of best practices

Grupo de Trabajo de Transporte (GTT) de LEDS LAC y GCAP; Asociación Sustentar; CESC/NREL
Quito, la capital de Ecuador, es un referente en América Latina por su compromiso con el transporte público sostenible. Con una población de 2,7 millones, la ciudad ha avanzado en la construcción de un sistema de transporte integrado y moderno, comenzando con el corredor Central Trolebús en 1995 y alcanzando un hito en 2023 con la inauguración del Metro de Quito, que mejora la conectividad y reduce la dependencia del automóvil privado.

Technical Guidelines for a Freight Infrastructure Strategy in Mexico City

Grupo de Trabajo de Transporte (GTT) de LEDS LAC y GCAP; Asociación Sustentar; CESC/NREL
El Gobierno de México ha establecido objetivos y programas relacionados con la adopción de vehículos eléctricos (VE) y el despliegue de infraestructura de recarga. La Estrategia Nacional de Movilidad Eléctrica (ENME) describe incentivos fiscales y programas financieros para apoyar la adopción de esta tecnología, y se incluyen objetivos, entre los cuales, se establece que para el año 2030 habrá un sistema público de recarga eléctrica desarrollado en ciudades y para 2040, el 100% de las ventas de vehículos ligeros y pesados nuevos serán de cero emisiones.

Incentive Strategy for the Purchase and Use of Electric Bicycles as an Alternative to Promote Sustainable Mobility in Bogota

Grupo de Trabajo de Transporte (GTT) de LEDS LAC y GCAP; Asociación Sustentar; CESC/NREL
Colombia está comprometida con la mitigación del cambio climático y la transición hacia tecnologías de movilidad de cero emisiones. Sin embargo, en diciembre de 2023, las motocicletas representaban el 80% de los vehículos matriculados en el país y el 20% en Bogotá, exacerbando problemas de emisiones, accidentes de tránsito y contaminación acústica, lo que subraya la necesidad de abordar estas externalidades negativas.

Urban Logistics in Peru

Grupo de Trabajo de Transporte (GTT) de LEDS LAC y GCAP; Asociación Sustentar; CESC/NREL
Perú estableció objetivos ambiciosos para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y aumentar la resiliencia del país al cambio climático. En este sentido, además de su participación activa en negociaciones y proyectos internacionales sobre cambio climático, ha ampliado y mejorado su plan nacional de acción por el clima – Planificación ante el Cambio Climático (PlanCC) – con especial atención al transporte.

Promoting Sustainable Mobility: Roadmap for Valdivia's Electric Bus Infrastructure

Grupo de Trabajo de Transporte (GTT) de LEDS LAC y GCAP; Asociación Sustentar; CESC/NREL
Chile se ha comprometido a múltiples acuerdos internacionales (Acuerdo de París y ODS de la Agenda 2030) con el fin de abordar los impactos del cambio climático, siendo la descarbonización y el desarrollo sostenible partes fundamentales. En este sentido, se han iniciado acciones innovadoras, incluida la transformación en el sector del transporte. La electromovilidad se ha convertido en la vanguardia de los esfuerzos de descarbonización en la movilidad urbana.

Case Study "Lessons learned from a public transportation electrification experience in Bogota, Colombia".

LEDS GP's Electric Mobility Community of Practice - Case Study "The importance of having a sustainable mobility strategy in place: 3 sustainable mobility strategies supported by MoviliLAC through technical assistance".



Architect Lara Vivono

Transportation Community of Practice Coordinator


The Electric Mobility Community of Practice is co-organized with.