People transforming development

Climate Action Accelerator

Do you need support in implementing your Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), low emission development strategy (LEDS) or transparency requirements?

The Climate Action Accelerator service is available. It is a global advisory network that provides rapid, high-quality, short-term technical assistance to developing countries.

The Climate Action Accelerator Secretariat is housed at NREL in Colorado.

The Climate Action Accelerator provides assistance supporting development on the following topics

Examples of assistance provided

Request Assitance

The Climate Action Accelerator accepts applications from developing countries and government agencies. Technical and other institutions and organizations working directly with national governments to plan and implement their NDCs, LEDS or transparency systems may also apply for support, if endorsed by the national UNFCCC focal point or Ministry of Environment. To request assistance please complete this form


Technical Assistance Material
(available in spanish only)

Conversion of the coal activity to a sustainable activity

Technical Assistance
Latin America is the second region in the world with the highest production and use of charcoal per person. In Argentina, charcoal consumption is approximately 400,000 tons/year, equivalent to 1,000,000 tons/year of native forest wood. This technical assistance seeks to reduce greenhouse gases, avoiding illegal deforestation of native forests and proposing viable, sustainable and economically profitable productive alternatives.

Carbon Footprint Measurement: Guidance, Training and Recommendations

Technical Assistance
The objective of this technical assistance was the implementation of practices that allow the initiation of transformative processes towards decarbonization, particularly through the development of a methodology for calculating and reporting organizational carbon footprint.

Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning in Argentina: Roadmap to achieve the National Target 2030

Technical Assistance
The development of sustainable urban mobility systems is one of the main axes of the National Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Plan. With this objective in mind, technical assistance was provided to develop a Roadmap 2030, providing the National Secretary of Transportation with the necessary tools to promote this transformational policy. This roadmap proposes a series of instruments and actions so that the 82 most populated urban areas of the country have a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) designed, approved and in the implementation stage.

Survey of the draft framework law for the promotion, research, production, and sustainable use of bioenergy.

Technical Assistance
Within the Ministry of Energy, a bill is being drafted to promote bioenergy, which seeks to add value to biomass of natural and residual origin, whether agricultural or industrial, and finally, biomass from energy plantations.

Guidelines for the structuring of the roadmap of the National Bioenergy Plan in terms of regulation, governance and emission reduction.

Technical Assistance
As part of its mitigation goal, Colombia is committed to reduce CO2eq emissions by 51% with respect to projected emissions in 2030 in the reference scenario and to reduce black carbon emissions by 40% with respect to the 2014 level. To achieve this, it is necessary to establish guidelines for structuring the roadmap of the National Bioenergy Plan in terms of regulation, governance and emissions reduction.

Manual for workshops with urban waste pickers - Fortaleza, Brazil

Technical Assistance
The Re-ciclo project in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil, seeks to promote social inclusion, improve working conditions and optimize recycling in the city through the delivery of electric tricycles and adaptation workshops. The purpose of this technical assistance was to prepare a manual for facilitators working with urban waste pickers in the adaptation of the project and a video tutorial on the maintenance and repair of tricycles for waste pickers.

City of Santa Fe, Argentina

The city is developing the "Low Carbon Urban Logistics for City 30" project, with the objective of reducing GHG emissions from freight transportation. The technical assistance sought to complement the project by generating guidelines to develop a strategy for the adoption of electric vehicles for last-mile distribution. 

Urban Transportation Authority of the cities of Lima and Callao (ATU), Peru

Technical assistance to the Urban Transport Authority of the cities of Lima and Callao (ATU) in Peru for the preparation of a Roadmap for an electric mobility policy that seeks to achieve the objectives in terms of emissions reduction in the transport sector of these localities. As a result, the document presents the activities that ATU should promote, with a proposed timeline and an identification of the actors involved for the implementation of the "Electric Mobility Policy" encouraging the promotion of clean alternatives.

Banco de la Nación Argentina

This summary presents the main results of the technical assistance provided to Banco de la Nación Argentina (BNA), as part of the Climate Helpdesk support of the Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP).

Municipality of Rosario

The city of Rosario has a high population density and 50% of its productive activity comes from retail stores. This means that many modes of mobility coexist. Efficient management of the city's mobility was a challenge. 

Metrobus - CDMX

Mexico City's Metrobús (MB) public passenger transportation system has focused its efforts on reducing its negative socio-environmental impacts, for which, among other measures, it has incorporated technologies to reduce emissions and renewed its fleet.

SEMOVI - Mexico

Mexico City, as the main urban agglomeration and capital of the country, is the political, economic and cultural core of Mexico. It is one of the most dynamic cities in the global economy and the financial center of Latin America.